1. Copywriting
  2. Internet Marketing

Don’t Let Your Business Wait For You To Catch Up

Hey there,

I just wanted to share this quick two minute video from Rich Schefren, really hitting the big reason why guys like myself are in business – copywriters, and other experts serving a revenue-critical role online.

Here it comes:

As Rich so succintly puts it, well ok I’m paraphrasing: you should not have your business wait for you to catch up until you have the skills to do everything.

It’s a waste of time, as well as showing confusion over your personal goals vs. business goals.

Instead, inspect your business and once you find the revenue-critical junction points, find the fastest, most effective way to serve those points.

Copywriting is certainly one such a point, there are a few others. But the important thing is to know when it makes sense to learn a skill versus hiring someone to bring that skill to your business.

Go forth and multiply profits!

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Comments to: Don’t Let Your Business Wait For You To Catch Up
  • November 20, 2011

    Virtually everything that you read or see associated with Internet Marketing is. Showing you how to do something to make money online. So it’s no wonder that most newbies become obsessed with the learning rather than the doing.

    As for the Rich Schefren video. I’m not sure if making a video while driving a car is. The best advert for road safety that I’ve ever seen.

  • November 21, 2011

    Heh, yeah the driving while filming thing is quite the cliché by now isn’t it. I guess it’s a productivity thing in his case, or something. Without a cameraman, indeed not an advert for safety.

    But yeah, it’s sometimes baffling to me how few newcomers spend thought on what their business should be doing, versus what they’d like to be learning and emulating.

  • Great skill is required in business and need a lot of experience in practicing and learning. Very interesting video.

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