Copywriting Internet Marketing Success The Peace of Mind Formula for Marketers Now what’s the most common dilemma I hear from my copywriting students? Is it that it’s hard to nail down a compelling story? Nope. Is it that coming up with a curiosity generating headline is hard? Nope. Is it that writing the close is difficult and feels icky, perhaps? Again, nope. Written by Juho Tunkelo April 16, 2018April 16, 2018
Copywriting Rookie Mistakes: Neediness In Copy One of the biggest mistakes I generally see in marketing newcomers’ copy is giving the impression of neediness. If you’ve ever been approached by the opposite sex… ever… you know how big a turnoff it can be. 😉 And in sales copy, this can happen in so many ways. Here’ Written by Juho Tunkelo April 12, 2011April 12, 2011
Copywriting Internet Marketing 7 Powerful Tests For Your Email Marketing A lot of marketers seem to be doing one of two things right now: Copying formulas from other marketers without thinking: (“your account is approved!”, “bad news” and so on…) Emailing completely without thinking – volume over quality (thinly disguised pitches Written by Juho Tunkelo April 10, 2011April 10, 2011
Copywriting Internet Marketing Success Three Ways to Leverage in the Online Business Another topic that comes up a lot. Actually, it should, but only those entrepreneurs perceptive enough to ask the right question will ever solve this riddle. Here’s the question: How do I ensure I have enough leverage in my online business in order to make a decent living in my online business Written by Juho Tunkelo February 16, 2011February 16, 2011
Copywriting Internet Marketing Hire A Fake Superhero… Or The Real Thing? I have to admit, this is pretty funny. What’s that you ask? Why, the ‘real life superhero’ meme that seems to be sweeping the globe right now. Like this awesome guy who calls himself Phoenix Jones: How about this proud specimen from my native Finland? Laser Skater. That’s rig Written by Juho Tunkelo February 1, 2011February 1, 2011
Copywriting Internet Marketing Beware the Negativity Hey friendo… So it’s the end of the old, and beginning of the new again. Fittingly, I’m doing my best to clean the slate, catch up with my plans, and all that good stuff you’re supposed to do. Part of that whole rigamarole is of course cleaning house… in my email inbox. Written by Juho Tunkelo January 2, 2011January 2, 2011
Copywriting Internet Marketing Lifestyle Every Step Matters – In Life and In Marketing This morning, I did my usual coffee routine: Check the water that’s been purifying overnight, set it on course to boiling point Get out some organic ground French roast Put a couple of spoonfuls of the stuff into an organic, recyclable sleeve Place the sleeve into a self-standing, plastic cone Written by Juho Tunkelo December 31, 2010December 31, 2010
Copywriting Internet Marketing The Copyist Newsletter – 2010 Holiday Edition Just in case you’re not yet a subscriber of my PDF newsletter The Copyist… Here’s a heads-up for you: The 2010 Holiday Edition is now ready for download! So go ahead and download your copy right now. In this issue you’ll find: Back to Basics: is your ‘marketer’s f Written by Juho Tunkelo December 22, 2010December 22, 2010
Copywriting Internet Marketing The Copyist Summer 2010 Edition After some weeks of languishing, lazying about, swimming in lakes and oceans, and other assorted summer nonsense… it’s time to get back to business. Well, sort of. For a short moment, anyway. 🙂 In short: the Summer 2010 Edition of my PDF newsletter The Copyist is now ready for downloa Written by Juho Tunkelo July 9, 2010July 9, 2010
Copywriting When Hired Gun Copy Makes Sense… And Money Hey there, long time no see! Today I wanted to let you in on a little secret. A secret only maverick marketers and wealthy product owners seem to be in on. You know, the ones with money in their pockets. See, everyone agrees that great copywriting and launch strategy is where ALL the money is Written by Juho Tunkelo April 6, 2010April 6, 2010
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